C2M2 Project in Pemba
Pemba is an emerging city due to the discovery of oil and gas deposits in the Province of Cabo Delgado. This discovery has attracted several enterprises and individuals from various corners of the country and the world. Based on the above, the city has been experiencing a demographic surge and increased mobility of people and goods. Both factors may have contributed to the COVID-19 spread in the city. As a result, Pemba was declared the city with the second highest “community transmission” of COVID-19. To mitigate this situation, Pemba built the largest COVID-19 treatment center in the country with a capacity of 200 beds and also implemented restrictive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 including:
- Banning all public and private events
- Suspension of religious services
- Visa suspension
- Closure of schools
- Closure of entertainment establishments
- Closure of borders
- Advice against crowding.
The case for analyzing 2nd order impact of COVID-19 in Pemba
With reduced movement for residents and goods, the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique estimates that over 1100 companies and 12,000 jobs have been impacted all over the country. With the state of emergency restricting movement and high-risk activities put into motion in April, the hotel and restaurant sector have been hit the hardest and the restrictions have resulted in a 6.1 billion meticais (~$82.4 million) loss in economic activity so far.