Academic Visits and Internships for Civil Servants
The vision of the Cameroon’s National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) is to become a hub of excellence in the world. To achieve that goal, the school is looking to establish international partnerships with schools throughout the world to promote the development of comparative approaches in training methods for both ENAM students and officials through study visits to foreign institutions.
The vision of the Cameroon’s National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) is to become a hub of excellence in the world.
To help ENAM achieve its goal, UASG facilitated collaboration agreements with many US Universities to boost exchanges in the following areas: trainer training, exchange of students and teachers, academic visits and internships. With these agreements, ENAM students have participated in academic visits at the following institutions:
Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia (SJU) – Focus on
- Hospital Administration and General Administration
- Executive Pharmaceutical & Healthcare MBA Online Degree program
- Executive Food Marketing MBA Degree program and courses
- Business Acumen Series Certificate
- Management of the system for the supply of consumable drugs and other inputs
- Provision of medical care and health care services;
- Food Marketing
- Food policy
- Design of nutrition strategies.
- Labor Administration section.
George Mason University in DC – Focus on
- Public administration
- Public policies
Redlands University in California – Focus on
- eGovernment
- Smart/Digital cities